Saturday, April 30, 2011


Once upon a time, little ole me was able to grow the most fantastic tomatoes in town... Beefsteak. One bite will convince anyone that you will NEVER buy another tomato from the grocery store again! Last weekend I went to the Winter Park Farmers Market and low and behold there they were... 3 gallon Beefsteaks. I thought I would faint because I haven't seen real Beefsteak in years! I've shopped in Home Depot, Lowes, and even local nursery's to no avail. So when I saw these beauties, I went to buy them but my cousin convinced me that we needed to wait until the end of our excursion before buying them. I agreed and of course, when we went back they were gone. grrrrr

Soooooo, I was not going to let that happen again. This morning off I went, bright and early to grab one and that's exactly what I did. They're a bit smaller, in one gallon containers, but already busting at the seams with tomatoes. Now, typically I'm into as organic as I can get, but I know what can happen to tomato plants in Florida, and I'm not about to loose this plant to the wicked little critters in my back yard. So yes, I hate to admit it, but I bought some Seven Dust to protect them. I figure it's worth a little poison to taste them again. I know... don't hold it against me! I'm only human!

Anyway... I'll be crossing the fingers, and staying up at night with a flashlight watching for critters I'm sure. Wish me luck!

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