I learned something today... that shopping online, in some instances, can save you a ton of money. I had to find a usb converter cable and a 25' ethernet cable. Online, I found them at a substantially lower price than at the actual store. The converter online was $4.88 and in the store it was $19.99. The ethernet cable was $4.99 and in the store the cheapest was $20!
So the lesson learned is that this particular store stocks the more expensive items while they keep the less expensive items in some type of warehouse for those of us who don't need something right now. This store happens to be a huge discount marketplace.
Today, shopping in a store leads to buying on demand or by impulse and you'll end up paying huge amounts of money for what used to be called... shopping!
Next time you need something, check the internet first. This particular store offers FREE shipping as long as it's sent to the store for you to pick up. This is my first time ordering this way, so let's see how it goes. I'll update the story as it unfolds.
Note: I have noticed that the prices online fluctuate... the usb converter for example now has the price of $9.88 and just this morning it was $4.88! Now that's frustrating! Wonder what it will be in the morning? They are using products like commodities... now you know why I dislike corporate big dogs so much!
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